Friday, February 7, 2014
My Uncle Dick was a man of integrity and good humor; he was a wonderful example to for all our family. I feel proud to have had the opportunity to spend childhood memories with all the Hunter, Smith, Nelson, and Sahm cousinis. Memories that my uncle happily recorded - esp. special occasions like Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations, Weddings, and Birthdays. Summer picnics at Willow Bay, send offs to enlisted, and homecomings too. Uncle Dick did all the home improvements at our Costello's red house on Tipp Hill. A genuine handyman, and a generous gentleman. Most importantly, he LOVED and cared and sacrificed to always be at his wife's - my Aunt Florence's side. I don't know what to say, but please know I'll miss you Uncle Dick. You are surely in heaven. Marilyn (Costello)